Did you know that support services for families touched by autism drops to near-zero after their primary education years are over? This is such a huge loss of human potential.
Everyone deserves the right to feel a sense of purpose. No matter their ability. Here’s the thing:
We all have a need and desire to contribute to society. People with autism should not be left out of that opportunity.
This is where Westonwood Ranch, a local non-profit located in Freeport, FL is making a difference by serving as a model for the rest of the country to follow.
Westonwood Ranch is a place where people can feel loved, exercise their talents and just be free to be themselves, no matter their age. It’s a place where people can cultivate and develop their independence so they can live a full, successful and fulfilling life.
You can find more about Westonwood Ranch here: https://www.westonwood.org